Sunday, April 10, 2011


Why do the Tea Party and their Pals the Republican Con Artists want to destroy the Unions?

It’s quite simple really, it’s because they are either fooled by the Banks and Insurance Companies, or they are owned by them.  The Tea Baggers are fooled – at least a lot of them.  When you see them on T.V. they are so obviously stupid it evokes sympathy.  I mean they support Michelle Bachman right?  What their corporate bosses – yes – that ol’ boogeyman ‘big businesss’ – want is to have the cheapest least complaining weakest workforce possible.  Slave labor.  You know sometimes there are very good reasons that clichés endure.   With cheap, weak labor, they wouldn’t have to risk outsourcing.  It may take a few years, but they’ll probably get there.  I mean,  the viewers of Fox News, are the very people Fox News seeks to destroy.  Some people would say those dumb bunnies get what they deserve. 

 You see – as the saying goes - “You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor.” (Thanks to  What the Republi-Cons want, and the Tea Party will get (they don’t know what they want) is a return to a kind of Plantation Economy and modern day slavery.  We’re kind of there already.  This is to say, they already took our money.  The question is, how we get it back.  They want us to work night and day for them.  That’s how it used to be, that’s what they want again.  (Maybe next time we’ll look at private prisons and the so called war on drugs as a small example.)

It’s hard to tell whether the Tea Party is a shill for the Republi Cons or vice versa.  We do know it’s about Vice – and it’s a Vice called Greed with a capital G.   The Republi Cons favor a Plantation Economy – just listen to Senator Mitch McConnell and Governor Haley Barbour’s dipthongs and you’ll hear the slave owner in them.   Today though, it’s not slavery based on race, it’s slavery based on cash.  If you’ve got cash, or some cash, you’re less of a slave.  What these crackers want is something older but just as cruel as they are.  Call it what you want, I call it slavery.

For a couple thousand years, the Chinese have been debating and tinkering with how and to what extent government should regulate business.  In this country, one of the first and most intractable political fights was slave labor.  The United States Constitution, at its founding.  During the constitutional convention of 1787 those southern crackers wanted to count their slaves for voting purposes, without letting them vote.  The three/fifth compromise was the result.  That compromise made the south’s slaves only three/fifths of a person. See Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution. And that was just a little more than a couple hundred years ago.

 The northern states wanted the slaves not to count at all since they couldn’t vote.   It gave the south a distinct electoral advantage.  Those states with slaves would have had smaller representation in congress, fewer electoral votes and less power.    It allowed the south to keep this country, to a great extent, in a feudal dark age, in the thrall of the enormous profits of black slavery.  Disgusting, and that’s the kind of economy they seek to return to minus the racial element.  If the south hadn’t had this perverse advantage, we’d have had a much different country and race and economic relations would have ‘liberalized’ and become more equal, more prosperous and humane a long time ago.  Look at the plantation south, the south of Jim Crow, the south or race riots and the fire hoses and dogs turned on civil rights marchers.  Just look at the southeastern United States.  It’s what these crackers want for the whole country now.  A few rich folk and a lot of po’ folk workin’ for ‘em.  There’s a lot to lose.  It’s a pity but evil often wins.  That’s why the Republi Cons are helping their Corporate Bosses to divide and bankrupt this country.

The rich fighting against organized labor using the courts, the legislatures or both, is nothing new.   Since the founding of this once great nation, the U.S. Supreme Court has argued and decided over the fate of Union organizing.  Historically in most cases, the Unions lose.   The U.S. Supreme Court has generally been hostile toward unions.  The Supremes insisted for years that Unions violated the right to free contract.  They struck down umpteen statute laws designed to improve working conditions.  They sided with business against the laborers and labor unions for 100 years until the heroic F.D.R., in 1937  threatened their relevance and power by offering to ‘pack the court’ with six additional justices who would break the backs of business.  Personally, I wish he had done it.  F.D. R. saved the nation.  I wish he were here to do it again, because O’Bama sure ain’t gonna.   (Yes, I think he was born in Ireland like my forefathers.) He may be Irish, but he isn’t much of a hero.

What the Republi Cons and most of the Federal Courts want is a return to the days, when the few owned everything and they called the tune and we danced.  They want complete deregulation of business.  They want business completely free to dominate the legislative process with money.  See Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, 130 S.Ct. 876 (2010).  What they want is anarchy for business and slavery for the people.  By the way, Senator McConnell has always fought against campaign finance limits.  He’s a completely corporate owned guy as was Ronald Reagan and most of them.  It may not be news but it bears saying.  They don’t give a shit about your health, wealth and welfare.  They lie when they say they do. 
 Here’s the past they want our future to look like:

"Women working half naked in the coal mines; young children dragging trucks all day in the foul atmosphere of the underground galleries; infants bound to the loom for fifteen hours in the heated air of the cotton mill, and kept awake only by the overlooker's lash; hours of labor for all, young and old, limited only by the utmost capabilities of physical endurance; complete absence of the sanitary provisions necessary to a rapidly growing population: these and other nameless iniquities will be found recorded as the results of freedom of contract and complete laissez faire in the impartial pages of successive blue-book reports."
Sidney Webb (1889). "Fabian Essays in Socialism - The Basis of Socialism - The Period of Anarchy"
Just to get this right, it’s not the government that wants to enslave you, it almost never is.  It’s those who have and want all the money who want the sweat of your brow to line their pockets.  It is them, not our government we must oppose.  Or not.  why worry, be happy.  What's on T.V. anyway?  What's Ga Ga wearing?

I’m not talking about your well off lawyers and your well to do business owners.  I’m talking about wall street bankers, casino owners, CEO’s of giant corporations raping the world to make themselves rich.  It is they whom we must fight.  

How, by taking our government back.  Fire these thieving politicians – Democrats or Republicans -  or just oust every single incumbent until they get it right.


Radical Lawyer: THE ENEMIES OF UNIONS ARE THE FRIENDS OF SLAVERY: "THE LONG PAINFUL FIGHT FOR ORGANIZED LABOR.Why do the Tea Party and their Pals the Republican Con Artists want to destroy the Unions. It’..."


Why do the Tea Party and their Pals the Republican Con Artists want to destroy the Unions.
It’s quite simple really, it’s because they are either fooled by the Banks and Insurance Companies, or they are owned by them.  The Tea Baggers are fooled – at least a lot of them.  When you see them on T.V. they are so obviously stupid it evokes sympathy.  I mean they support Michelle Bachman right?  What they’re corporate bosses – yes – that ol’ boogeyman ‘big businesss.’  You know sometimes there are very good reasons that clichés endure.
 You see – as the saying goes - “You can do anything you set your mind to when you have vision, determination, and an endless supply of expendable labor.” (Thanks to  What the Republi-Cons want, and the Tea Party will get (they don’t know what they want) is a return to a kind of Plantation Economy and modern day slavery.  We’re kind of there already.  This is to say, they already took our money.  The question is, how we get it back.  They want us to work night and day for them.  That’s how it used to be, that’s what they want again.  (Maybe next time we’ll look at private prisons and the so called war on drugs as a small example.)
It’s hard to tell whether the Tea Party is a shill for the Republi Cons or vice versa.  We do know it’s about Vice – and it’s a Vice called Greed with a capital G.   The Republi Cons favor a Plantation Economy – just listen to Senator Mitch McConnell and Governor Haley Barbour’s dipthongs and you’ll hear the slave owner in them.   Today though, it’s not slavery based on race, it’s slavery based on cash.  If you’ve got cash, or some cash, you’re less of a slave.  What these crackers want is something older but just as cruel as they are.  Call it what you want, I call it slavery.
For a couple millennia the Chinese have been debating and tinkering with how and to what extent government should regulate business.  In this country, one of the first and most intractable political fights was slave labor.  The United States Constitution, at its founding.  During the constitutional convention of 1787 those southern crackers wanted to count their slaves for voting purposes, without letting them vote.  The three/fifth compromise was the result.  That compromise made the south’s slaves only three/fifths of a person. See Article 1, Section 2, Paragraph 3 of the United States Constitution.
 The northern states wanted the slaves not to count at all since they couldn’t vote.   It gave the south a distinct electoral advantage.  Those states with slaves would have had smaller representation in congress, fewer electoral votes and less power.    It allowed the south to keep this country, to a great extent, in a feudal dark age, in the thrall of the enormous profits of black slavery.  Disgusting, and that’s the kind of economy they seek to return to minus the racial element.  If the south hadn’t had this perverse advantage, we’d have had a much different country and race and economic relations would have ‘liberalized’ and become more equal, more prosperous and humane a long time ago.  Look at the plantation south, the south of Jim Crow, the south or race riots and the fire hoses and dogs turned on civil rights marchers.  Just look at the southeastern United States.  It’s what these crackers want for the whole country now.  A few rich folk and a lot of po’ folk workin’ for ‘em.  There’s a lot to lose.  It’s a pity but evil often wins.  That’s why the Republi Cons are helping their Corporate Bosses to divide and bankrupt this country.
The rich fighting against organized labor using the courts, the legislatures or both, is nothing new.   Since the founding of this once great nation, the U.S. Supreme Court has argued and decided over the fate of Union organizing.  Historically in most cases, the Unions lose.   The U.S. Supreme Court has generally been hostile toward unions.  The Supremes insisted for years that Unions violated the right to free contract.  They struck down umpteen statute laws designed to improve working conditions.  They sided with business against the laborers and labor unions for 100 years until the heroic F.D.R., in 1937  threatened their relevance and power by offering to ‘pack the court’ with six additional justices who would break the backs of business.  Personally, I wish he had done it.  F.D. R. saved the nation.  I wish he were here to do it again, because O’Bama sure ain’t gonna.   (Yes, I think he was born in Ireland like my forefathers.) He may be Irish, but he isn’t much of a hero.
What the Republi Cons and most of the Federal Courts want is a return to the days, when the few owned everything and they called the tune and we danced.  They want complete deregulation of business.  They want business completely free to dominate the legislative process with money.  See Citizens United v Federal Election Commission, 130 S.Ct. 876 (2010).  What they want is anarchy for business and slavery for the people.  By the way, Senator McConnell has always fought against campaign finance limits.  He’s a completely corporate owned guy as was Ronald Reagan and most of them.  It may not be news but it bears saying.  They don’t give a shit about your health, wealth and welfare.  They lie when they say they do. 
 Here’s the past they want our future to look like:
"Women working half naked in the coal mines; young children dragging trucks all day in the foul atmosphere of the underground galleries; infants bound to the loom for fifteen hours in the heated air of the cotton mill, and kept awake only by the overlooker's lash; hours of labor for all, young and old, limited only by the utmost capabilities of physical endurance; complete absence of the sanitary provisions necessary to a rapidly growing population: these and other nameless iniquities will be found recorded as the results of freedom of contract and complete laissez faire in the impartial pages of successive blue-book reports."
Sidney Webb (1889). "Fabian Essays in Socialism - The Basis of Socialism - The Period of Anarchy"
Just to get this right, it’s not the government that wants to enslave you, it almost never is.  It’s those who have and want all the money who want the sweat of your brow to line their pockets.  It is them, not our government we must oppose. 
I’m not talking about your well off lawyers and your well to do business owners.  I’m talking about wall street bankers, casino owners, CEO’s of giant corporations raping the world to make themselves rich.  It is they whom we must fight. 
How, by taking our government back.  Fire these thieving politicians – Democrats or Republicans -  or just oust every single incumbent until they get it right.

Friday, April 8, 2011

Brian Sandoval is nothing more than words and good haircut.

Brian Sandoval has claimed he is a good lawyer.  He's not.  I worked for him.  He appointed me to be Senior Deputy Attorney General of Nevada when he was elected.  I have never worked with a less intelligent lawyer in my 17 year career.  He was completely lost as AG.  That's why he quit the job after only two years, and took a job from Harry Reid that he had refused four years prior.  When he left, I left.  He may have left because I kept talking about how Governor Kenny Guinn, allowed a private insurer for workers compensation to essentially clip 800 million dollars from the state treasury.   Check Article 9 Section 2 of the Nevada Constitution.  They took that money and there is almost nothing there now.  Completely unconstitutional, completely illegal.  A white collar welfare of a Billion Dollar proportion.  They gave the money to the same band of 'executives' who bankrupted the State Industrial Insurance System.  SIIS.  Sad but true.  If anyone wants the whole story, I'll send you my disclosure statement all about it on email. 

He was scared and overwhelmed then.  He's scared and overwhelmed now.  Governor Sandoval, aka Sandogibbons - because he is as inept and ignorant as his fellow Republican predecessor Jim Gibbons, simply does what the money boys, the fund raisers and casino owners tell him to do.  

Sandoval is like a 10th grader in emotional maturity.  He just wants to be O.K. with everyone.   He wants to be loved.  And he loves money.  I wonder how much graft he's pocketing as he slices and dices the state budget while protecting the people who put him there - the Money Boys of Vegas.  He has got to be one of their favorite puppets.  It's worse than the old mob.  This new mob makes laws instead of just breaking them.

Why are the Republi Cons Destroying the Labor Unions? The Reagan Legacy.

The answer is disturbingly simple.  Power and Greed.   Only the Unions act as a foil - a defense - against a complete corporate takeover of our lives.  To a certain extent, the battle against Corporate Communism American Style has been waged since the founding of this Country. 

In the last 30  years or so - since Ronald Reagan put his dunce cap on in the Oval Office and picked up a phone - Unions have been in serious decline.  Ronnie boy - Bonzo - the B-Grade movie actor and king of all that is unholy, the great de-regulator started this run away train by busting the Air Traffic Controller's Union.  Who really needs air traffic controllers who are alert, and well fed anyway - right?

These Neo Cons and Reganites don't really have any new ideas.  It's just the old ideas wrapped in new paper.  Laizze Faire Capitalism -  why don't we just call it what it is - Anarchy for Corporate CEO's, Robber Barons and Casino Owners.  Who's kidding who here?   Ronnie Boy was a shill for G.E. when his piss poor Hollywood career tanked.  Now don't get me wrong, I wish I had Ron's career.  Unlike him, I wouldn't sell my soul to get it.  He may not have known he was selling his soul, poor devil - he was a little dense, but he was misguided enough,  by his Bosses at General Electric "G.E." to you youngsters,  and all the other Defense Contractors and Utility Companies, and he was, well, stupid enough, that he may have actually believed his bullshit.  It's always a mistake to believe your own bullshit.

So just a little more on Anarchy and trust me, I'm not a fan.  After Anarchy, the next worse thing is Corporate Dominance over the people.  The next worse thing after that is Government.  Like Thomas Jefferson - I prefer newspapers over all of the above.   Trouble is - the newspapers are all dying and all the media outlets are owned by G.E. or worse, Rupert Murdoch. 

I am not much of a fan of Milton Friedman because he was either naive or a liar, maybe both.  The idea of freedom, freedom for individuals and markets are an ideal to strive for.  But how to get there and stay there?  That's the rub. 

Milton Friedman wrote a lot - he once wrote this:  "     Political freedom means the absence of coercion of a man by his fellow men. The fundamental threat to freedom is power to coerce, be it in the hands of a monarch, a dictator, an oligarchy, or a momentary majority. The preservation of freedom requires the elimination of such concentration of power to the fullest possible extent and the dispersal and distribution of whatever power cannot be eliminated — a system of checks and balances.
Ch. 1 "The Relation Between Economic Freedom and Political Freedom"

What that means to the Republi Cons is  -  If you write the checks - we'll make sure your account balances - see - checks and balances.   In other words, they're on the take, they're dirty as three days of dishwater.  They take bribes.  They don't care about anything but money no matter what they say.  Just look at that horrible Sara Palin person. (Where has she been the last few weeks anyway?)   To be even keeled the Democrats are pretty bad too, but the Republi Cons are far worse, mostly because they oppose Unions and are so shameless in their perfidy and protection of the the Moneyed Class.   It's hypocrisy for these con artist republican tea bag mo fo's to say they want liberty out one side of their mouths and side with the Moneyed Class against the Unions.  Hey, either we are free to associate, assemble and bargain for contracts or we're not.  What are these Tea Party lunatics thinking?  Oh yeah, those checkbooks checking and balancing.

Money concentrated through deregulation and union busting is the same as any other kind of power concentration.  The concentration of capital is worse.  Greed is not good.  Unions - what's left of them - are the last bastion of the people having power outside their rifles, pistols and shotguns.  That is until the army turns on the Oligarchs and starts using the real stuff.  Which, quite frankly is what history shows usually happens.  J.P. Morgan, the man is dead.  His money lives on.   Even the Roman Empire's money lives on, look at that Church they call Catholic. 

So how does busting Unions and allowing money to concentrate in just a few very very very rich people work to prevent Oligarchy and Despotism?  It doesn't. It causes it.  The end result is revolution, which is unpleasant, but, I know Thomas Jefferson would agree sometimes necessary.  I never thought I'd live to see it.  I'm not so sure anymore.

Thursday, April 7, 2011

Unions and Judicial Elections

Wisconsin is having what looks like a little corruption in their Judicial Election.  Judicial Elections are a bad idea.
These judges shouldn't be running on any kind of platform where they reveal a position on any matter which might come before them on as a judge, but it's exactly what they are doing.  It's simple, money is more corrosive to the judiciary than it is to politics.  A judge should be appointed for life so he can make a decision without influence from the moneychangers.  The dirty S.O.B. Bankers who own this country own our judges too.  It's sad.  It just is.  And, it can be changed. 

The Founding Fathers gave judges life tenure.  The original 13 Colonies and the states they became all have life tenure for judges.  All the states should follow that example.  It's the only way to create an independent judiciary.